Discover Exactly How To DO A PRODUCT LAUNCH That Can Produce Thousands Of Sales Without Struggling To Find JV’s and Recruit Affiliates!

If You Want To Launch Your Own Digital Information Products LIKE A Pro. Read every single word on this page.

Unlock the Secrets of Product Launching! Turn Your Digital Products into a Money-Making Machine That Generates Revenue Like Crazy.
Recruit Affiliates Like a Pro! Use Our Proven Strategies to Consistently Outperform the Competition in Every Launch You Create!
Zero to Hero Launch Mastery for Newbies! Even if You're Starting from Scratch, Learn the Art of Driving Endless Traffic to Your Launches—No Prior Experience Required!
This System Teaches You The Fastest Way To Do A Product Launch In The Current Economy Even If You Have No Experience And No Affiliates Yet!

Dear Future Launch Rockstar:

You're here because you're ready to turn the page, start a new chapter, and write your very own success story. And guess what? You're at the right place at the right time!

Hi, I'm Robert Harrison, and I’ve been where you are—eager, hungry for success, and just a bit overwhelmed by the ‘Make Money Online’ world.

You've probably seen the gurus have launch after launch and achieve incredible success, and you've probably wondered if you can join them. Well, it's a solid gold fact that launching your offer to the world is the fastest way to achieve incredible results online.

But not just any launch. Oh no. You need a SUPER LAUNCH. One that gets an army of affiliates promoting your offer.

Why Listen to me?

I've been in the Internet Marketing space for quite some time, and I’ve seen this landscape change quite a bit! I've adapted and thrived.

I've learned that launching your own offers is the number one way to succeed online, transforming a side-hustle into a full-blown empire.

I'm going to share some jaw-dropping statistics that will make it undeniably clear why launching your own offers is not just an option. It's a requirement for unbelievable, pinch-me-I'm-dreaming levels of success.

Digital Product Sales Are At An All Time High And Are Projected to Reach 1 Trillion Over The Next few Years 

~ According To Global Market Insights "Growth of eLearning" 2022

 You Can Finally Become Part of This Trillion Dollar Industry By Launching Your Very Own Digital Products 

By now, your eyes are wide open, and the magnitude of the digital marketing space is sinking in. A whopping $1 Trillion is being projected to be spent on eLearning over the next few years. That's a massive pie, and you're probably asking, "How do I get my slice?"

But wait, it's not all smooth sailing. When it comes to launching offers, there's a brick wall at every turn.

As a vendor, you’ve got a stellar product that you believe in. But who will see it? In today’s saturated market, even the best products can fall flat without a direct line to potential buyers.

A weak launch means minimal direct traffic and no affiliates to support you. I know exactly how you feel as I've felt that same stress, too.

But it's even worse for you as a vendor with an offer that you believe in. Not having a successful launch is devastating. You've got a hot offer, but you're consistently falling short.

You've Got a Great Offer, But The Missing Piece of The Puzzle is Getting Thousands of Potential Affiliates to Know About it.
You Need a Super Launch!

You need a launch that affiliates want to promote, and you need to make them aware of it. You're frustrated. We know, because we've been there.

Newbies who ave never launched before get the worst of it. You've read the guides, followed the so-called 'gurus,' and maybe you've even dabbled in a few traffic methods and made a handful of sales. But nothing’s clicking.

You're stuck in a hamster wheel, and you can almost hear the clock ticking as opportunities slip away.

Overwhelming? Absolutely. But There Is Finally A Light at the End of the Tunnel For You...

You've felt the struggle, but it doesn't have to be this way.

Imagine, instead, that you have the blueprint to launch your offer that doesn't just serve as a one-off moneymaker but as an asset you can use again and again, consistently and reliably driving sales.

Our Super Launch system is this blueprint. It’s the lifeboat in your sea of confusion, the guide in your jungle of options.

We've crafted an in-depth, step-by-step training program aimed at solving the unique challenges faced by Vendors, JV Managers, Agencies, and Newbies alike.

You'll learn modern launch techniques that are proven to work in today's treacherous marketplace. This isn't some recycled garbage from five years ago; it's a cutting-edge system designed to turn you into an email marketing maestro—no matter your current level of experience.

For Vendors

Send thousands of hits to your offer from launch traffic

For JV Managers

Recruit thousands of affiliates for your clients launches

For Agencies

Launch products for your customers and clients on demand

For Newbies

Never worry about driving traffic with these easy launch methods

How to Launch Like The Big Guns
Even If You Are Brand New At This! 

These tactics are powerful enough for experts but specifically designed for beginners.

There is finally a path to success in internet marketing for you, regardless of your experience level, because... Once you learn how to launch a product effectively traffic will never be a problem for you again!

The number one killer for newbies when they launch their digital product has always been the lack of traffic. It's not an easy obstacle to overcome for someone who's just starting to grow an online business.

That's why so many people give up internet marketing and settle for a mediocre life,  But not you... not anymore. 

This training will pull back the curtain and show you EXACTLY how to drive tons of traffic to any website you want by creating a product launch that drives thousands (and even hundreds of thousands) of clicks over a short space of time.

This is so easy to do that you may get TOO MUCH traffic and have to upgrade your hosting account! 

That's a GOOD PROBLEM To have because more traffic equals more money! 

You're About To
Become A Product Launch Expert!

(And You'll Be Shocked At How Fast And Easy It Will Be! )

Right now is the BEST time in history to launch your own digital information products, and it's a lot easier to do than you might think!

All you need is an easy, repeatable system to follow.

Expert marketers have been using the Super Launch System for years to create six and even seven-figure product launches.

As a matter of fact, these time-tested, recession-proof methods have been proven to work in any economy!

The timing is perfect for launching right now because the market is currently DEVOURING information products!

This Super Launch System is exactly what you need for recruiting affiliates and managing launches, even if you’ve never done anything like this before!


The Ultimate Product Launch System
For Internet Marketers In
Today's Economy

This is a complete product launch training course with four classes that break down every tactic for you in simple terms right on your screen.
These are professionally produced lessons that cover all aspects of launching your own product you can follow along. You’ll be learning from internet marketing experts who want to help you and truly care about your success.
Receive instant access right in your members area where you can watch the videos at your leisure whenever you want.
Each lesson teaches you the basic concepts and walks you through the steps to execute the process. You’ll finally have peace of mind with a solid grasp on your business and you'll finally understand how the professionals pull off 6 and even 7 figure launches.

If you're serious about taking your launch game and income to the next level, don't even think twice. Get your hands on Super Launch System — it's an investment you won't regret.

Omar & Melinda Martin

Higher Level strategies, Inc

This system is not just another 'how-to' guide; it's a comprehensive strategy that has been missing in the market. If you want to have a launch that acts like a cash machine, Super Launch System is your blueprint. I can't recommend it highly enough.

John Thornhill

Planet SMS, Ltd.

WOW! I love Super Launch System! It's a complete transformational experience for anyone looking to amp up their launch game. These strategies are nothing short of spectacular. If you're on the fence, let me give you a nudge—grab Super Launch System NOW! You can thank me later.

Dave Nicholson

Planet Divinity, Ltd.

Here's What You Get...


Learn the one thing you must do before you even start planning your launch to ensure that your launch is a huge success.
Discover the 6 P's method to ensure that you always attract lots of affiliates that will want to promote your products.
Learn the best places to go to advertise your launch to ensure that you get maximum exposure.
Discover the correct way to map out your launch and create your launch schedule.
You'll also learn the best days to open and close your launch to ensure your launch gets maximum exposure.


Learn how to build a buzz for you launch to affiliates can't wait until launch day and are ready to mail when you go live.
Discover the correct way to approach potential affiliates to get them interested in promoting your offer, most vendors get this completely wrong.
Discover why you should never assume any affiliate will promote your launch and the steps you can take to keep them interested.
Not all affiliates are good affiliates, learn how to filter out the riff raff that can destroy your launch before it's even begun. 
You'll also learn how to use the 4 F's to wow your affiliates into promoting your offer. 


Learn the correct tools and resources that you should be providing your affiliates. The success of your launch depends on you getting this right.
Discover why your JV page is actually more important than your sales page and how to create a JV page that has the wow factor.
Copy our secret 'clever tools' formula to arm JVs with tools that will have them promoting again and again.
Learn why affiliates are some of the laziest people in the Internet Marketing space and why this is a good thing for you.
Discover how to empower your affiliates to keep them coming back to your JV page again and again.


Discover the steps you should take just before launch day to ensure that everything runs smoothly and efficiently.
Learn the launch tricks of the trade that you should have in place to ensure things run smoothly and efficiently. 
This is it, it's time to go live and we will cover the steps you need to take when you flick the switch to ensure the sales keep coming in.
Discover how to unlock the power of social media to keep traffic coming into your site and keep the sales coming in!
Learn this sure-fire way to keep the buzz going so affiliates and potential customers alike want to see your offer.

Act Now And Receive These



The Super Launch System eBook

The Perfect Compliment To Your Product Launching Video Course

We'll leave no stone unturned for you inside of this comprehensive product launching ebook.  You're getting over 100 pages of genius product launch tactics at your fingertips.

You can download the book, print it and mark it up with notes as you learn
You can read it right on screen and even from your favorite mobile device.
The book coincides perfectly with the video course so you'll have the perfect combination!


The Product Launch Worksheets

Stay In Perfect Sync With The Video Course

Follow along with the training and
fill in the blanks. This is proven to help you absorb 43% more information so you can get the most out of your training.
You get four worksheets all together, one to correspond with each lesson in the class. You can print these out and use them as a quick reference guide anytime!
Easily highlight important areas and take lots of notes. This will help you customize the training to fit your exact business model and needs

You Can Buy With Confidence

This product launch package has a retail value of $518 but you are getting it for a fraction of that with this limited time offer.

The information we teach in The Super Launch System is not “theory”. This is 100% actionable content based on over 15 years of experience in the Internet Marketing industry.

These are the EXACT proven and time tested methods you need.

If you’ve ever dreamed of…  Earning a generous full time wage ONLINE... Spending unlimited time with your loved ones... Buying nice things for your family and friends... Traveling and taking more vacations... Buying a bigger house in a great neighborhood... Providing a worry free, fulfilling life for your family...

Then grab The Super Launch System right now while it's being offered at the best price.

YES! I Want In!


Please give me instant access to The Super Launch System so I can discover how to launch like the pros.

I know that I have a 30 Day Guarantee and I will receive the following...


Special Offer Only!

Super Launch System

You Really Have Nothing To Lose

I am so confident that you are going to absolutely love The Super Launch System that I am prepared to shoulder all the risk for you. I actually want people to try and take advantage of me because I know that when you watch this training and implement these Super Launch tactics you'll be making so many sales that this small purchase will pale in comparison!

Rock Solid 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Take this entire course on a test drive for a whole thirty days and see if you like it! If you're not satisfied for any reason just shoot us a message and we'll give you back 100% of your money!

Robert Harrison

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